WORKSHOP: 13. November 2022, 11-13 Uhr, Natya Mandir Studio Anmeldeschluss (Zahlung des Beitrags auf das unten angegebene Konto): 11.11.2022, Beitrag: 40€

Odissi - Classical Indian Dance
Odissi is a classical dance form originated in Odisha (East India). Its forms and costume remind of the elegantly carved temple figures of ancient India. Its movements are fluent, graceful and firm at the same time. While the upper body seems to flow from one distinct pose to another, the bended legs point out the rhythm of the drums. Hereby a clapping sound occurs, caused by the dancer's bare feet. Face and hands tell short stories from all-day-life or up to 2000-year-old epic stories.
According to a legend the dance derives from the Gods and sustains by the dancers who follow their tradition. The present Odissi not only refers to centuries-old dance traditions out of the Hindu temples. Likewise, textbooks (which descend detailed principles of theatre and dance from 2nd to 16th century AD) are fundamental sources for this remarkable dance form.
オディッシーはオリッサ州(東インド)に由来する古典舞踊です。 その動きは、なめらかで、優雅で、同時に引き締まっています。 その様式は古代インドで寺院に彫られた優雅な肖像を思い出させます。

Introvision in Dance
Introvision is a scientifically evaluated technique of mental Self-Regulation (developed by Angelika C. Wagner at the University of Hamburg, Germany). Within My Odissi Training, it stands for a conscious exploration of one's own movements, feelings and activities of the mind. Over time, this exploration leads to an insight into the ways, by which body, mind and emotions mutually influence each other. Furthermore, one learns consciously to slow down these interactions and experiences the balancing and relaxing effect of this process.
The dance in its ultimate sense means to me to become one - with the rhythm, with the body and with the whole experience. Sometimes, it happens smoothly and without a single thought. Sometimes, it takes a little effort to manage one's own states and conditions. It is the same as for any passion in life: flow experience isn't just available at every moment. The training in Introvision helps to find a better connection to oneself, helps to become one - in dance and in daily life.
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Feel you - Feel the dance!
You wish to dance, you have interest for Indian culture and you would like to discover your potential for relaxation and inner power in Kyoto? Please feel free to read more about "My Odissi" or contact me by pressing the following button!
The first lesson is free!
ダンスをしたいですか?インドの文化に興味がありますか?また、京都で自身のリラックスできる能力と内なる力を見出したいですか? 「My Odissi」の詳細をお読みになるか、次のボタンを押して私に連絡してください!